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Ride Categories


The charts below outlines the general ride categories for Central Bucks Bicycle Club. The average speed listed represents an overall average for the ride. This includes stops, hills, bridges, etc. This means that the actual riding speed on flat terrain will tend to be 2-3 mph higher than the overall average speed. The average speed will also be affected by the hilliness of the route. New riders should be aware that the average ride speeds have a tendency to creep higher as the riding season goes on and everyone gets in shape! The club generally recommends that new riders consider starting with a category slightly below where they think they might be. This will give you a chance to get acclimated to the dynamics of riding with the group without over extending yourself on the first ride. You can then move up through the categories until you find the level that is right for you.




Category  Mileage  Terrain Average MPH 
 AX  30-100  Any Terrain  18-27
 A  30-100  Any Terrain  16-18
 B  30-80  Any Terrain  14-16
 C+  20-40 Some Hills  13-14
 C  15-40  Few Hills  11-13
 D  10-25  Mostly Flat  8-11



CBBC promotes the fun and safety of riding in groups! The ride calendar is established to be able to offer a variety of rides at all levels and allow members to plan their rides in advances. As we know our lives are not always predictable! Members are encouraged to post “Ad Hoc” rides on the Ride Calendar and Forum and allow other members to join them.

Here is the “official” definition of a CBBC Ad Hoc Ride:

  • Ad Hoc rides are considered a CBBC sponsored club ride.
  • The ride must be posted on the Ride Schedule section of the CBBC website and approved by the appropriate Ride Level Coordinator at least 24 hours before the start of the ride.
  • The ride should also be posted on the Ad Hoc section of the CBBC website Forum.
  • Ad Hoc rides are covered by the Club insurance policy and ride waivers must be completed prior to the start of the ride..
  • Ride start location and time is up to the ad hoc ride leader. Try not to compete with a regular club ride – those ride leaders are a precious few!
  • Ad Hoc rides are eligible for the Ride Leader Award Program provided the ride is posted, approved, and ride waivers are submitted.
  • As with all CBBC club rides, please ride safely and courteously (especially if you’re wearing your club jersey!)